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A holiday was arranged for graduates of Vyatka State University in the Botanical Garden

  • 15 July 2022, 19:04
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1281

The leaders of the region, the university and its structural divisions, teachers and parents shared the joy of successfully completing an important life stage with yesterday's students.

On July 13, the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University became the venue for the Graduate Day - a holiday dedicated to those who graduated from the university with the highest results, having earned diplomas with honors.


"This year we have resorted to a new format for awarding diplomas - even with this, Vyatka State University demonstrates itself as an innovative, developing university. Pay attention to the exclusivity and intimacy of today's event: it is held for the best graduates" - noted rector Valentin Pugach.

Valentin Nikolayevich reminded the audience about the commercial of Vyatka State University, at the end of which there are long credits listing the names of the best graduates of different years - those who have achieved, first of all, impressive professional results.

"I am sure that a few years will pass - and you will also find yourself in these credits" - summed up V.N. Pugach.

Leaders of the Kirov region came to share the joy of the moment with the participants of the holiday. Acting Governor Alexander Sokolov addressed the graduates:

"On the one hand, you are leaving this wonderful university; on the other hand, you are entering the most interesting part of your life, which is called adulthood. I hope that many of you will connect your fate with the Kirov Region and continue your professional activities here."

The head of the region assured that he was ready to do everything in his power to help talented guys make a good start in their careers.

"If what you are doing is for the benefit of the region and the country, you can count on all possible preferences," - Alexander Valentinovich promised.

A touching emphasis was made in the speech of the President of Vyatka State University Valery Yungblyud:

"You need to remember this day also because today's event takes place at the oldest and most traditional facility of Vyatka State University. Look, these trees are remembered by all generations of our graduates. I think it's great! This in itself is worth remembering."

There is not the slightest doubt about the correctness of Valery Teodorovich's words. The culprits of the event - excellent students, winners and prize-winners of competitions and olympiads of various levels, participants of forums and conferences, activists of public life, authors of scientific works - will remember the exciting ceremony of awarding red diplomas by the leaders of the university and the region, warm congratulations, applause, a photo for memory, a walk in a blooming garden, a festive buffet in the fresh air.

Among the graduates-2022 Olim Abdukhalilov, one of the best students of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of Vyatka State University; what is there, the real star of the whole university! Olim came from Tashkent to study at the largest university in the Kirov region - the years spent on the Vyatka land became a time for the accumulation of valuable professional and life experience.

"Student life gave me a lot. The very first, of course, excellent knowledge of chemistry. The next important point is related to the fact that at that time my character was being formed. Kirov, Vyatka State University served as a real school of life. I can confidently say: the knowledge gained at the Vyatka State University; the experience that I had here with people who became relatives prepared me fully for the next stage of life" - Olim shared.

He said that he once heard a reasoning that hooked him. It's about two people, different characters and attitudes to life. One gets up early, leaves the house and goes; the other continues to sleep and do nothing. For Olim himself, the choice is obvious, and he gave his younger comrades a friendly parting word:

"I would encourage students to live like the first person. Perhaps, as a result of walking, vigorous activity, you will not become Elon Musks, you will not make revolutionary breakthroughs in science; but in any case, your life will become more interesting and richer!"

Read in Russian
