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"Kirov and VyatSU are now my home, and the Russian language is a connection with them": about the Summer Language School at VyatSU

  • 20 July 2021, 20:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2066

 The summer language school for foreign students ended with a musical and poetic evening. It was organized at VyatSU for the first time thanks to a grant from Rosmolodezh by a team of foreign students. The goal of the school is to increase motivation for learning the Russian language and acquaint foreign students with the historical and cultural characteristics and traditions of Russia and the Vyatka Territory.

11 students from Uzbekistan, Haiti, Peru, Congo and Guinea took part in the language school, only 6 people reached the final. The five-day training program included not only work with grammar, vocabulary and speaking, but also a closer acquaintance with the city of Kirov. As part of the training, students visited one of the largest libraries in Russia - the library of Herzen and the Botanical Garden of VyatSU. The last day of the program, according to the participants, became unusual.

    It was a lesson where students talked about themselves using poems in Russian that they liked and tried to present the song. Some have expressed themselves in the national dance of Peru and Haiti. Thus, we got to know each other better, because music and the choice of a piece also tells about a person, -

says the teacher of the department of Russian as a foreign language Nadezhda Komarova.

So, at the closing ceremony, poems by Andrey Dementyev, Bulat Okudzhava, Mikhail Isakovsky, Yevgeny Yevtushenko, songs by Maya Kristalinskaya and contemporary performers: Dora, Manizha, Niletto were performed.

    The foreign students who come to us are very talented. They all have a wonderful voice. I don’t know a single student who didn’t sing, dance, play an instrument, or read poetry. It is probably true that a talented person is talented in everything. Therefore, foreigners tend to come to another country and learn another language -

concluded the Dean of the Faculty of International Education of VyatSU Irina Merkulova.

Six finalists who have reached the end of the program will go on a free excursion to St. Petersburg. But to go to the cultural capital of Russia, just reaching the final was not enough. Russian language proficiency test and essays on the topic “Russian language and education in Russia. What does this mean to me?" became a learning point. For many, studying in Russia is an opportunity to become a specialist and learn one of the most difficult languages.

    The Russian language was a challenge for me because it was really difficult to adapt. But with will and determination, I was able to speak and understand this language, -

by JN Iler Givens, a student from Haiti.

    In the future, I want to be a translator of Russian and German, and one day I would like to speak Russian very well. I know that VyatSU is one of the best universities for studying. I like that the university is very interested in foreign students and I hope to continue participating in the seminars and to meet with my dear teachers in the future. Kirov and the University of VyatSU are now my home, and the Russian language is a connection with them, -

by Fabiola Martinez, a student from Peru.

    I decided to come to Russia because of the opportunity to study at a world famous university (VyatSU), but mainly because Russia is one of the best places in my chosen profession, -

by Cisse Ibrahima Sori, a student from Guinea.

The main goal and objective of the project is to create an active group of foreign students who are actively involved in the creative and educational life of the university, who will help newcomers to foreigners adapt to life in a foreign country, become experienced mentors and help them deal with fears in a new country. The Summer Language School entered the first stage, which will be completed by the end of December. In addition to the school, the international youth club has planned cultural, educational and entertainment evenings for foreigners with the involvement of Russian students.

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