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VyatSU teacher Zakhar Shashin advised locals to write fairy-tales

  • 18 August 2016, 14:08
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2957

On August 17 within the project "Blooming garden – happy city" there was held a lecture "Fairy Tales for adults, or How simple is to be happy" in the Botanical garden of VyatSU. A lecturer was Zakhar Shashin from the Philosophy Department of VyatSU.

The lecture was accompanied by the guitar in a format of a constant dialogue of lecturer with listeners. Guests learned about emotional aging, why we should write fairy-tales and to whom they should be told.

In addition Zakhar Shashin told one of his fairy-tales that he had wrote specifically for the lecture.

The project "Blooming  garden – happy city" to be continued.




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