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VyatSU participates in the international Botanical Conference of Young Scientists in St. Petersburg

  • 15 May 2018, 07:11
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4905

VyatSU was presented there by the students of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology.

IV (XII) International Botanical Conference of Young Scientists organized by the Botanical Institute named after V. L. Komarov of the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of the Russian Foundation for basic research was held in St. Petersburg on April, 22-28.

The event gathered over 200 researchers from Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Germany, India, Spain, Kazakhstan, China, Serbia, Uzbekistan, Sweden and South Africa. The extensive program of the Conference included a plenary session, lectures by Russian scientists on Anatomy, Morphology, Plant Physiology, Mycology, Geobotany, Botanical Resource Studies, Paleobotany and others, as well as methodological seminars and sections in 12 botanical areas. During the seminars the participants were shown modern microscopy techniques, the latest sequencing technologies, approaches and methods for processing botanical data.

Vyatka State University was represented by the students of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology Maria Shakleina, Elizaveta Shuleva and Julia Ovchinnikova. Students reported in the section "Anatomy and morphology of plants" on the features of the anatomical structure of the vegetative organs of different plant species in habitats with variable wattage.

The conference was characterized by openness, mutual understanding and friendliness. The participants will surely remember the excursions to the Botanical Museum and the greenhouses of the Botanical garden, which presents a wide variety of subtropical and tropical plants.

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