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Art-Garden. Continuation

  • 31 August 2017, 08:24
  • Author: admin
  • Views 10112

Now, when summer gradually turns into a golden autumn, authors of the project "ART-Garden. Night of Discovery" invite those interested in the history of Russian culture of the 20th century to the Botanical Garden for a series of lectures "Triumph of Russian Avant-garde".

During coming September lecturers from VyatSU Department of Culturology will speak about the most important events that influenced the development of Russian and world culture, about outstanding artists, poets, composers, and pioneers of cinematography. This panorama of the brightest figures of the Russian avant-garde art will include K. Malevich, V. Kandinsky, V. Mayakovsky, V. Khlebnikov, I. Stravinsky, D. Vertov, S. Eisenstein, V. Pudovkin and others, covering social, political and cultural life of pre-and post-revolutionary period of the Russian history.

Schedule for lecture series "Triumph of the Russian Avant-garde"

August 31 (Thursday) - "Bringing time closer: triumph of the Russian cinema-avant-garde" – a lecture by N. Osipova

It is devoted to revolutionary Russian avant-garde of the 1920s, as of one of the brightest pages of the world cinema. Experiments of Dziga Vertov, Sergei Eisenstein, Lev Kuleshov, Vsevolod Pudovkin, Alexander Dovzhenko, Friedrich Ermler influenced much on cinema development and changed the idea of movie’s imaginative possibilities.

September 7 (Thursday)

Cinema Exposition: D. Vertov, S. Eisenstein, L. Kuleshov, V. Pudovkin, A. Dovzhenko, F. Ermler

The audience will watch some masterpieces of Soviet cinema - films by D. Vertov, S. Eisenstein, L. Kuleshov, V. Pudovkin, A. Dovzhenko, F. Ermler.

September 14 (Thursday)

Lecture "Three squares of Kazimir Malevich" by M. Golenok

What is the world most famous picture of Kazimir Malevich? What experience and search preceded this picture? Are there any "satellites" to "Black Square"? What message did the founder of Suprematism leave to us, his descendants? These ideas will be discussed at the lecture-presentation.

September 21 (Thursday)

Lecture "Russian poetry of 1917: from laughter to tragedy" by N. Osipova

What was the Russian poetry of 1917 like? How did it reflect the joy of freedom and the tragic reflections of October Revolution? The answers will be found in this lecture devoted to reflection of these events in various literary and poetic experiments through laughter and humor as the greatest healer and ruthless judge of all human deeds.


September 28 (Thursday)

Lecture "Russian Spring of Igor Stravinsky” by N.I. Pospelova

Musical works of Igor Stravinsky, the genius of the 20th century, determined the development of music for a whole century. His works have never lost their originality so far, and his alliance with M. Fokin, A. Benois, L. Bakst, V. Nijinsky, N. Roerich in so-called "Russian period" opened the beauty and unsurpassed greatness of the Russian national ballet to the whole world.


All lectures begin at 17.00.

Movies - 10.00-19.00

Location: Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University

Entrance tickets:

- 80 rubles (adults),

- 60 rubles (pensioners and children from 3 to 7 years)

For more info about the project click here àhttps://vk.com/bot_artgaden


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