Research at VyatSU

Student Scientific Society of Vyatka State University

  • 30 December 2020, 12:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5480

Student scientific society

The purpose of SNO VyatSU

Involvement of students in the scientific and educational space of the university and popularization of their scientific achievements.


Main activities of SNO VyatGU

  • Organization and holding of scientific seminars, conferences, symposiums, competitions, olympiads, etc.;
  • Informing VyatSU students about current and upcoming research events at VyatSU and other universities; - Attracting students to projects funded by grants, contracts, from the budget;
  • Nomination of the best student works for competitions and exhibitions, for awards and scholarships, participation in field events.


Events held by SNO VyatSU

  • Scientific and educational event "Project School";
  • Competitions of scientific works "Success in science" and "Debut in science";
  • Competition of intra-university grants;
  • School of the active student scientific society of Vyatka State University;
  • Project "School of a young scientist";
  • Competition "The best student scientific society of Vyatka State University",
  • Project "Professor's environment",
  • Project "Step into Science",
  • Project "Science Slam"

Contacts SNO VyatSU

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