Research at VyatSU

Electronic catalog

  • 27 February 2021, 16:20
  • Author: admin
  • Views 8436


Publication activity - 2021

In the course of the implementation of R&D and R&D, the results of intellectual activity were published in scientific journals and protected by titles of protection

In 2021, 22 applications for industrial property objects were filed, 42 titles of protection were received for the results of intellectual activity, incl. 21 patents for inventions, utility models and industrial designs. The university currently maintains 182 patents.

Scientists, graduate students and students of the university presented:

total scientific publications - more than 2300, including:

more than 1900 publications in publications included in the RSCI;

about 500 publications in publications included in the list of VAK;

145 publications in publications indexed in Web of Science;

237 publications in publications indexed in SCOPUS;

20 publications prepared jointly with foreign organizations;

11 monographs.