Research at VyatSU

The young scientist of VyatSU Natalya Tarbeeva offered a unique technology for the manufacture of facing tiles for the interior decoration of the premises

  • 18 May 2022, 12:02
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2077

The high value of the development based on the use of lumps of wood waste is due to the solution of a number of strategically important tasks, including import substitution

In Russia, the problem of resource conservation, in particular the rational use of wood, is not lost in Russia. The woodworking enterprises often do not pay due attention to the processing of production waste - this leads to the formation of landfills that have a negative impact on the environment.

The young scientist of Vyatka State University Natalya Tarbeeva proposed worthy use of wood waste. Even in the magistracy, she, led by Professor Olga Rubleva, went deep into the study of an urgent problem; Developed a study, winning the grant of the "UMNIK" contest; Then, having continued training in graduate school, she defended her thesis on the resource-saving technology for the manufacture of wood products.

Natalya Tarbeeva drew attention to the deficiency of solid -faced wood existing in the country. Products made from such raw materials, including imported, are quite expensive and far from always available. At the same time, high -quality natural facing products, furniture, floor coverings cause consumer interest, which is not surprising: after all, they are environmentally friendly, aesthetic, convenient to use.

N.A. Tarbeeva made an unexpected proposal - to use lumps of conifers as raw materials for facing products instead of scarce and expensive blanks made of oak and ash, while ensuring no less high level of quality of manufactured products. Natalya Aleksandrovna developed a technology, the essence of which is to combine four operations: firing, breaking (processing the surface of wood with metal brushes), pressing and heat treatment of blanks. This allows you to comprehensively improve both decorative and physical and mechanical properties of raw materials, while maintaining high environmentally friendly indicators. This approach was applied for the first time: before that, only pair combination of operations was used; For example, firing with brashing to emphasize the natural texture of wood.

    "A large amount of research was conducted on various options for combining operations to obtain the required level of decorative and physical and mechanical properties. We established mathematical dependencies that allow you to determine the properties of blanks after processing. As a result, it was possible to reach the optimal parameters of the modes, which can be recommended by woodworking enterprises for the manufacture of high-quality products" - told Natalya Tarbeeva.

It is important to note that, in addition to the method of processing, N.A. Tarbeeva became the author of technological recommendations for its implementation.

    "The effectiveness of the new technology is confirmed by a significant decrease in the cost of manufacturing facing tiles, which will ensure more competitive cost of products compared to analogues" - emphasized N.A. Tarbeeva.

The technology proposed by the researcher of VyatSU is addressed, first of all, to enterprises engaged in woodworking. Waste of the main production can be involved in the production of concomitant products for additional profit.

The development of a young scientist also serves as a solution to the problem of import substitution, allowing you to make quality products from domestic non -combined raw materials.

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