Research at VyatSU

VyatSU and the Kirov region appeared on the map of hydrogen energy in Russia

  • 13 June 2022, 13:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2560

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has formed a Collection of Russian Competences for the Hydrogen Industry, which also includes Vyatka State University

The collection includes more than 100 Russian scientific and industrial organizations with competencies in the hydrogen industry. Now, according to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, oil and gas and electric power companies, organizations of the chemical, metallurgical, transport industries and other industries can find up-to-date information about Russian developments in one source when developing their projects. The same competencies can be used for tasks from the Atlas of Russian projects for the production of low-carbon and carbon-free hydrogen and ammonia, which the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia presented earlier.

Vyatka State University was included in the collection with the competencies "Materials for solid oxide fuel cells" and "Technology for obtaining oxide and composite materials for the formation of functional layers of proton-ceramic hydrogen electrolyzers".

- When we first started our "Habitat" project, we set ourselves several goals, one of which was to make Vyatka State University, Kirov Region, appear on the map of the country's hydrogen energy industry. We did it.
    If we talk about the significance of the collection of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for the university, then this is, first of all, an opportunity to expand the partner network, - Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology Denis Kazulin said.

- Today, VyatSU's partners in the field of hydrogen energy include, for example, the InEnergy group of companies, as well as members of the consortium of the NTI Competence Center "Hydrogen as the basis of a low-carbon economy.

As part of the Habitat strategic project, Vyatka State University is engaged not only in research in the field of hydrogen energy, but also in training personnel for a still fairly new industry.

- In 2023, we plan to open a new laboratory, which will be equipped with both research and teaching equipment. Those guys who will enter our new master's program "Hydrogen and Electrochemical Energy" in September will study on it, - Denis Kazulin said.

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