Remote access to the library of Vyatka State University and other literature resources

  • 24 April 2020, 23:37
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1464

In connection with the transition to the distance learning mode, the university library for students and teachers works remotely.

You can get advice and online help on working with resources

by phone: 742-759 (from 9.00 to 15.30 on working days),

by e-mail:,,

in the group “Library of VyatSU”


Ability to work with electronic resources of the university library from home:

The electronic catalog of the library (contains electronic versions of the teaching aids of VyatSU teachers, as well as information about all publications acquired by the library, including in electronic form)

Providers of electronic library systems (ELS) temporarily open full / expanded access to book collections, as well as offer additional services.


ELS “University Library online” has provided expanded access to its collections and the possibility of remote registration. When registering from home, be sure to indicate that you are a user of the library of Vyatka State University (registration address:

Address for work:


ELS “Lan” has enabled automatic confirmation of registration to all readers of the Vyatka State University, and also offers the opportunity to provide access to the necessary collections and books for the entire period of quarantine measures.

Work address:


ELS “Urait” opened free full access for all students and teachers of universities and colleges. Remote registration, confirmed by the administrator (library specialist) is required. Webinars are held for teachers to help master the technology of distance learning (see more details here)

Work address: and


ELS Publishing House GIORD until May 28, 2020 opened test access to its thematic collections on the food industry and agriculture.

Work address:


ELS IPR BOOKS has opened full remote access for all students and university professors until September 1, 2020. Remote registration with a single login and password is required. You can request them by mail: Then, under these credentials, carry out an independent personal registration in the ELS.

Work address:


ELS “Rukont” for the period of self-isolation provided access to its collection. Readers can work from home by login: vyatgu and password: 123456

Work address:


ELS “Ibooks” has opened full access for all students and teachers of Vyatka State University until June 30, 2020. ELS was created by publishers of educational, scientific and business literature “Peter” and “BHV-Petersburg”. Readers can work from home by login: m3531 and password: 5ffcf152

Work address:


ELS “Prospect” has opened full access for all students and teachers of Vyatka State University until June 09, 2020. The electronic library contains textbooks, teaching aids, teaching materials, monographs, encyclopedias, dictionaries and reference books published by Prospect Publishing House. Readers can work from home by login: vyatsu and password: lk_ebsprospekt

Work address:


The electronic library “Grebennikon” has opened access for future specialists in the field of management, marketing, finance, personnel management and personnel policy until June 30, 2020. The library fund is not only scientific and practical periodicals, but also video materials.

Work address:

To obtain a login and password for remote work, you must send a request to the responsible library administrator at


ELS “Bibliorossica” provided extended test access until May 31, 2020.

To obtain a temporary login / password, you must send a request to the administrator of the Vyatka State University at, or send a letter to with the name “Vyatka State University Scientific Library” in the subject line.

Work address:


The National Electronic Library (NEB RF) has opened access for remote users to all publications and full texts of dissertations. To work from home, you need authorization through the Gosuslugi portal.

Address for work:

Authorization: use your account on the Gosuslugi portal

For dissertations - viewing in a browser or in the “NEB RF” application.

For most book editions - only in the application “NEB RF”

Download and install the application: (only for PC and laptops).


The portal eLIBRARY.RU provides access to subscription publications (magazines) for students and postgraduate students from home computers.

Access is open to all resources to which the university subscribes, while observing three conditions:

- a user has logged into at least once since the start of the academic year (from September 1, 2019) from the university’s IP addresses (from which access to signed resources is opened);

- This university is indicated as a place of work (study) in the user’s profile;

- The user’s profile indicates that he is a student or postgraduate student.

Until May 1, access to 138 journals of the Russian Academy of Sciences is opened;

Until May 15, is opened access to 27 titles of MSU journals - a series of “Bulletin of Moscow University” and “Bulletins of the Moscow Society of Naturalists”.

For all issues related to the organization of access, you can contact the support team:

Work address:


Free ConsultantPlus Resources:

Non-commercial Internet version of ConsultantPlus (including regional legislation)

Offline version of ConsultantPlus for students

ConsultantPlus mobile application for students

Website ConsultantPlus for students and teachers. Books and textbooks on law and economics

Website ConsultantPlus for students and teachers. Thesis, term papers and scientific articles on economics and law

Website ConsultantPlus for students and teachers. Recommendations on the design of links to ConsultantPlus

ConsultantPlus online training

Techexpert has opened free access to its professional reference systems. To work, you need a personal registration on the site. Addresses for work:

A set of systems "Medicine. Premium" and "TechExpert. Labor Protection”:

Databases with regulatory and technical documentation for the construction industry:


"Business Media Media Review" provides the opportunity to work from home with articles from business periodicals until October 15, 2020. Login and password for working from home can be requested by mail:

Work address:


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