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Employment service will be created for students with disabilities

  • 13 July 2023, 07:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3255
The idea of ​​creating an electronic resource belongs to Vyatka State University and SFU

This year, the RUMC is faced with the task of preparing a list of areas of training and specialties in demand on the labor market in order to help students and graduates find their bearings in employment.

On July 12, at the webinar of the network on the RMC VO, a methodology developed by Vyatka State University together with colleagues from the Southern Federal University was presented.

"From the sites and Rabota Rossii, we uploaded vacancies, the description of which contains information about their accessibility for people with disabilities. An analysis was carried out according to various parameters: salary, remote work opportunities, and others. We also prepared a description of each offer about work, thus making an "adapter" between the profession and a specific area of ​​training.The electronic service will work in two directions: it will be possible to start a profession and see what specialty you need to get in order to work in it, and vice versa, when you get a specialty, see what are job offers.

We assume that the resource will be launched this fall. To date, over 500 vacancies have been processed in test mode. There is information on the Kirov region, the Republics of Bashkortostan, Mari-El Udmurt, Chuvashia, Orenburg and Rostov regions.

We assume that the resource will be launched this fall. To date, over 500 vacancies have been processed in test mode. There is information on the Kirov region, the Republics of Bashkortostan, Mari-El Udmurt, Chuvashia, Orenburg and Rostov regions.

Colleagues of the entire RUMC network highly appreciated the proposed methodology and expressed their readiness to join," - said Konstantin Bazhin, Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Project Activities of VyatSU.


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