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3D Food Printing Lab ": second cycle

  • 24 February 2020, 02:29
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3469

The participants of the interdisciplinary project gathered again at «the Boiling Point» of Vyatka State University

In December last year, a comprehensive scientific and educational project “Laboratory for 3D Food Printing” was launched, implemented by the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of Vyatka State University together with the Department of Molecular Immunology and Biotechnology of IPh and Technology of the Komi Scientific Center of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

On February 14, at the University «Boiling Point», the second large gathering of participants in a unique laboratory was held, aimed at discussing key aspects of the planned study.

What is edible ink? How does the texture of a 3D product affect human nutritional behavior? How relevant is this influence to the value of characteristics such as taste and smell? How can creating 3D food products help solve one of the global problems of our time? This was discussed at a meeting.

The most interesting was the discussion of the possibilities of cognitive control of human nutritional behavior. The analysis of cognitive control as a complex of executive functions: inhibition, memory, switching. Healthy eating, appetite as a driver of eating behavior, cognitive fitness have become important accents of conversation.

The second cycle of the “Food 3D Printing Lab” was completed successfully. At the next meeting, which will be held in March, the participants will be divided into project teams and begin practical implementation of the project.

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