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A graduate of Vyatka State University represented Russia at the European Forum of Risk Management Associations FERMA

  • 8 December 2019, 09:26
  • Author: admin
  • Views 6387

On November 17-20, 2019, Berlin hosted the 11th (held every 2 years) Forum of the European Federation of Risk Management Associations (FERMA) RISK MANAGEMENT FORUM 2019 entitled “Aim for the future, entering a new dimension in risk”

A record number (1640) of risk and insurance managers from more than 65 countries in Europe, Asia, America and Africa attended it. The Russian delegation included representatives of a number of large companies (Norilsk Nickel, Sistema, RUSAL, MMK, IKEA) and the management of the Russian Association Rusrisk.

The invitation of students and postgraduates within the framework of the student program of FERMA forums is one of the forms of popularization of the activities of the European Federation, uniting national associations for risk management from 22 countries. It is also a way to increase interest in educational institutions providing training in risk management and economic security across Europe. In addition, it gives members of the Association and Universities the opportunity to demonstrate their participation.


This year FERMA invited one student - a graduate and the head of educational programs from each country - a member of the association to participate in the forum.

This year, as in previous years, the forum included educational activities for graduates whose profession is associated with risk management. Graduates to participate in the Forum passed a competitive selection, the main criteria of which were:

diploma of bachelor, master, specialist in the field of risk management (economic security);

success in scientific and educational activities;

practical experience in professions related to risk management, insurance, control;

fluency in English.

Considering the merits of our university in the implementation of educational programs in the field of risk management and economic security and having examined the candidacies of students of Russian universities - potential participants, the international Federation invited Kanashina Anastasia Igorevna, a graduate of Vyatka State University 2019 in the specialty of Economic Security, to take part in the forum.

Anastasia already works in the largest audit company KPMG, has experience in practical and scientific activities in the field of risk management and economic security, an international ACCA certificate. For students from 15 countries of Europe organized educational intensives and workshops.

Karanina Elena Valerievna the head of educational programs and the Center for the Development of Competencies and Certification of Financial and Risk Management of Vyatka State University also attended the Forum. 

She visited the Forum to present the University and to introduce the system of training specialists, as well as national and international certification in the field of risk management, exchange experience in the development of educational programs. 

The three-day Forum included plenary sessions with speeches by leading European politicians and top managers, seminars and master classes on the most pressing issues of risk management and insurance, a student program, as well as an exhibition of sponsors and partners of the Forum. Along with an active discussion of cyber risks, Big Data, ERM, and others, a new trend in the discussion become the place and role of risk management in the development of artificial intelligence.

Representatives of the Russian association held several meetings and negotiations on the development of cooperation with foreign colleagues on holding joint seminars and other events, preparing for European certification of risk managers FERMA-Rimap and others. The Forum also hosted a summit of the presidents of national associations of member FERMA and the Board of Directors of the international federation IFRIMA.

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