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A Laser Center was opened at the VyatSU site

  • 9 October 2020, 10:42
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1906
Equipped with unique equipment, the center provides new opportunities for companies inside the region and the country

October 8, at one of the sites of the Engineering Center, the opening of the Center for Laser Technologies of VolgaTermolaser LLC was held, created with the participation of the Vyatka State University, TermoLaser LLC, a Russian developer and manufacturer of laser technological systems, and the Gorod United Cash Settlement Center LLC.

The participants of the ceremony were leaders and employees of companies in Kirov, Vyatka State University, the Ministry of Industrial Policy of the region, Vyatka Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

VolgaTermolazer is a scientific and industrial engineering center that carries out work on thermal strengthening, surfacing, welding and restoration of parts of any complexity. The laser center is equipped with a universal technological complex LK-V5, designed for thermal hardening of critical products and mechanical engineering parts operating in conditions of increased wear, laser repair and restoration surfacing and laser alloying.

Laser complex LK-V5 is a development of the Russian company "TermoLaser". The design of the LK-V5 is distinguished by unique technical solutions, in particular, a system for compensating the path of the laser beam, ensuring the constancy of the beam diameter and its power, regardless of the distance of the laser head from the workpiece. The advantages of LK-V5 and the possibility of using the equipment of the Laser Center in the production process were presented by the specialists of the developer company.

"We are glad that in a short time, with the filing of the Industrial Development Fund, with the support of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of the Kirov region, we found partners who create and implement developments that meet high international standards - emphasized the rector of VyatSU Valentin Pugach. - This creates opportunities for the companies to use new technologies, improve the quality of products, their consumer properties, and to reduce costs. We can talk about a number of technological and economic effects. The presence of the Laser Center at our industrial and experimental scientific site expands the range of services that the Engineering Center can offer to companies in the region and the country".

Among them there are small and medium-sized businesses, to whom the equipment of the Laser Center may be especially in demand. This was emphasized by the minister industrial policy of the Kirov region, Andrey Pereskokov.

"The laser center has become a remarkable example of science, industry, business and government", -
noted Andrey Usenko, President of the 'Vyatka Chamber of Commerce and Industry' Union.

In addition, the Laser Center is to become a place of practical training for VyatSU students. According to the director of the Polytechnic Institute Ivan Gubin, students will also be involved in the implementation of the research program together with the specialists of the Engineering Center.

Translated by Artemy Sizov

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