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About Management in Education

  • 16 March 2021, 14:57
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1691
Vyatka State University presents a new educational program "03.44.01. Pedagogical education. Management in education"

Admission of applicants to budget places in full-time education for a new educational program will start in 2021.

In order to familiarize applicants with this direction, career guidance meetings were held with graduates of pedagogical colleges in the Kirov region and the Komi Republic. The events were attended by students from the Orel College of Pedagogy and Professional Technologies, the Omutninsky College of Pedagogy, Economics and Law, the Sloboda College of Pedagogy and Social Relations, the Kirov Pedagogical College and the Syktyvkar Humanitarian Pedagogical College I.A. Kuratov.

An interactive dialogue about a new direction of training and a simulation game "The Greatest Pyramid" were held for applicants. In the game, several project teams representing different organizations worked to create a project in competition with each other. During the game, various aspects of project activities were implemented: intra-team communication, distribution of roles, resource management, analysis of project work. Each participant in the game had the opportunity to try himself in the role of a leader, manager.

The best teams were awarded prizes and gifts with the VyatSU logo.

If you want to try your hand at solving management cases in the field of education, we invite you to take part in the Regional Dictation "Management in Education". Dictation participants will be offered 20 case problems from modern school life. In 20 minutes, participants will need to choose the most correct way to solve the proposed problems.


Do you still have questions about admission to "Management in Education"?

Admissions office for the Pedagogical Institute: Gorbushina Anastasia Vladimirovna,

8-922-665-75-53 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram),

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