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About the life of mathematicians, or what they do in the algebraic school "Functional algebra and the theory of semirings"

  • 10 May 2023, 10:16
  • Author: admin
  • Views 802

Over the past two years, the team of the algebraic school "Functional Algebra and Theory of Semirings", led by Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics of Vyatka State University, Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation Evgeny Mikhailovich Vechtomov, has received new significant results in the field of modern mathematics

Between 2021 and 2023, members of the algebraic school published 17 articles in scientific journals included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases; made 20 presentations at International and All-Russian Mathematical Forums. In 2022, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics of Vyatka State University Marina Babenko defended her Ph.D. thesis on the theory of semirings under the guidance of Vasily Chermnykh, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Syktyvkar State University named after Pitirim Sorokin, one of the leaders of the Kirov algebraic school. Evgeny Vechtomov and Andrey Petrov published the book “Functional Algebra and Semirings. Semirings with idempotent multiplication” (St. Petersburg, 2022, 180 p.).


-         My students and I research and develop the topics of two areas of modern mathematics - the problems of functional algebra (rings and semirings of continuous functions) and the structural theory of semirings. The study of functional algebra is interesting in revealing ever new relationships between objects of a topological-geometric nature and their corresponding algebraic structures. In the study of abstract semirings, of particular interest is the description of finite semirings with various additional conditions (cyclic, idempotent, regular, symmetric, etc.), which finds applications in discrete mathematics, coding theory and cryptography, - said Evgeny Mikhailovich Vechtomov.


And students do not lag behind senior colleagues. So, the bachelor of the direction of training "Mathematics and Computer Science" R.V. Mikheev in collaboration with his mentor A.A. Petrov published his first study on finite semirings in the scientific journal Perm University Bulletin  "Mathematics, mechanics, computer science" (2022, no. 2). A master student of the Department of Fundamental Mathematics N.S. Protasov made an online presentation on sheaf representations of semirings at the International Youth School-Conference "Modern Mathematics and Applications" (Yekaterinburg, February 2023). There is also a student research seminar in algebra at the school.


-         We need youth. At present, it is necessary to fill the deficit in young scientific and pedagogical personnel at Vyatka State University both in mathematics and in other natural science areas, - said Evgeny Vechtomov.


Also, the team of the algebraic school is the initiator of various events. In September 2022, the "41st International Scientific Seminar for Teachers of Mathematics and Informatics of Universities and Pedagogical Universities" was held at Vyatka State University. And on September 14-16 this year, the Vyatka State University will host the International Conference "17th Kolmogorov Readings", dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Academician Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov, "Mentoring in mathematics and in mathematical education" chaired by Evgeny Mikhailovich Vechtomov. The conference is included in the plans of VyatSU events dedicated to the Year of the Teacher and Mentor in the Russian Federation and the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia. Information about the conference is available on the Vyatka State University website.

At present, the team of the Kirov algebraic school "Functional algebra and the theory of semirings" is successfully continuing its research. There are a number of articles and reports on the subject of the school, as well as three books. Professor Evgeny Vechtomov is a scientific consultant on algebraic doctoral dissertations for associate professors S.N. Ilyin (KFU) and V.V. Sidorov (Vyatka State University).

It is worth saying that on May 15, the head of the school, Professor Evgeny Vechtomov, will turn 70 years old. Institute of Mathematics and Information Systems of Vyatka State University congratulates Evgeny Mikhailovich on his anniversary! The staff of the institute wishes the hero of the day good health, new scientific results, inquisitive students, realization of his plans and hopes!


Translated by Artemy Sizov


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