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Anastasia Kuznetsova, a third-year student of VyatSU, was in the role of the Deputy Minister of Finance

  • 2 December 2020, 09:42
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1482

This became possible within the framework of the First Model GR at the MGIMO site of the Russian Foreign Ministry

On November 25-28, the I GR-Model, organized by the GR-Club of the university, was implemented at the MGIMO site of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. Government Relations, or GR is the interaction between business and government; activities of commercial structures that influence the state. The first GR-Model was devoted to the topic of supporting the transport industry in Russia in the context of the crisis caused by the coronavirus epidemic; aims to popularize GR among students, develop communication skills, and acquire new knowledge.

The event was held in a remote format. The first two days were devoted to lectures: they were read by Andrey Nikiforov, Deputy Director of the Department of Territorial Development Planning of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and the Director of the "Air Transport System" project complex of the scientific research center named after N.E. Zhukovsky, Dmitry Efanov. The speeches of the speakers helped the project participants to better understand the specifics of the industry.

Over the next two days, a negotiation process was played out at a meeting of the Government of Russia between representatives of business and government agencies. "Employees" of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economic Development, "Aeroflot", "Russian Railways", "Mosturflot" and other large companies agreed on measures to support the transport industry and developed a report addressed to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Mikhail Mishustin. This document was the final one within the Model.

Vyatka State University was presented by a 3rd year student Anastasia Kuznetsova, who is mastering the specialty "International Relations". In the GR-model of MGIMO, she became a part of the Ministry of Finance as a Deputy Minister.

A third-year student said:

    During the negotiation process between representatives of ministries and companies, discussions arose about the feasibility of the proposed measures, the possibility of their implementation and their relevance in the current environment. Nevertheless, in the end it was possible to present the final report, which was approved by all representatives.


Translated by Artemy Sizov

Read in Russian
