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At the "Boiling Point" of Vyatka State University, scientists and practitioners from Russia and other countries discussed the problems of psychological well-being and social success of the individual

  • 15 December 2022, 13:19
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1728
At the "Boiling Point" of Vyatka State University, scientists and practitioners from Russia and other countries discussed the problems of psychological well-being and social success of the individual
On December 7, the IV International Forum "Psychological well-being and social success of the individual in the face of modern challenges" was held at the Vyatka State University. The venue for the event was "Boiling Point" - hundreds of scientists, practicing psychologists and other specialists from different regions of Russia, as well as from abroad, joined it. Already at the start of the forum, there were almost 700 of them.
Commissioner for Children's Rights in the Kirov Region Vladimir Shabardin also emphasized the significance of the event, which has become traditional. Every year more and more people need psychological support.
Vyatka State University at the plenary session was presented with two reports.
Vice-Rector for Development Based on Data Analysis Ekaterina Mityagina, Doctor of Sociology, presented to her colleagues an analysis of the country's cultural code through the lens of Data Science. The main part of the speech was devoted to the study of the cultural code of a Russian based on reviews of works of fiction. This is one of the aspects of the Russian Cultural Code project of the Harmonious Personality strategic project of the Priority 2030 program of Vyatka State University.
Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology Anastasia Gorbushina presented the results of the project "Social Success" (also included in the development program of the university until 2030), based on the concept of achieving the psychological well-being of students in the educational space of the university. In particular, this is the creation of a psychological service at the university, the development and implementation of the discipline "Personal Efficiency", the development of psychotechnology for making informed decisions.
In a busy work schedule, the rector of Vyatka State University Valentin Pugach found the opportunity to visit the forum.
Valentin Nikolaevich noted:
  ⁃ The theme of the forum is extremely relevant in the current situation, it concerns people of any age. Today, the professional community of psychologists and other specialists, one way or another dealing with the problems of psychological well-being and social success of the individual, has received a powerful challenge: how to help the population practically, taking into account scientific and methodological approaches? Topics of the reports maximally cover the range of issues of concern to society. The Forum undoubtedly plays a very significant role.