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Bocce with Father Frost and Snow Maiden!

  • 26 December 2018, 09:18
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3644
Students and teachers of VyatSU held a festive lesson for children with disabilities

On December 22, students and teachers of the Faculty of physical culture and sports held a regular lesson in Paralympic sport bocce for children with disabilities. It was an unusual training: Father Frost, Snow Maiden and other fairy-tale characters visited the kids! Both children and their parents were really happy.

They all thanked their coach, Associate Professor from the Department of adaptive physical education and methods of teaching Vladislav Poperyokov and students Marya Sykchina, Victoria Sabrekova, Alexandra Olyunina, Alexander Kolupaev, Alexander Natalchenko, Natalia Pushkareva, Anastasia Romanova, Marina Borisova for the event.


 The project "Research, development and evaluation of the program for adaptive physical culture and adaptive sports (Paralympic bocce) for children with disabilities" is implemented by VyatSU Department of adaptive physical culture and methods of training together with a Charity Fund "It’s a Miracle" and "MegaFon" Kirov branch.

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