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Build a bridge between Kirov and Tashkent

  • 17 November 2020, 10:52
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2392

VyatSU student Olim Abdukhalilov spoke about studying at the largest university in the Kirov region and shared his plans

Are there people without a biography? Formally, no: everyone has a standard set of traditionally significant dates and facts. However, not every person can expand the framework of the template, fill life with truly vivid content and deep meaning. Olim Abdukhalilov, a fourth-year student of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of VyatSU, is one of those who do not waste time, has a taste for knowledge and creativity, participates in creative projects, and has a passion for any business!

Success came to the graduate of the prestigious lyceum of the capital of Uzbekistan already in his first year, when Olim became the winner of the full-time round of the open international student Internet Olympiad in chemistry in Yoshkar-Ola. It was almost a sensation: after all, senior students became the rivals of the freshman at Vyatka State University.

  -  There really was such a fact - told Olim. -  At the same time, I am firmly convinced that the victory was possible largely thanks to the help of teachers. In preparation for the Olympiad, it became clear that the tasks would be related to the material of the senior courses - I was able to master it in a short time under the guidance of professionals from the Department of Fundamental Chemistry and Methods of Teaching Chemistry.

Subsequently, Olim will more than once confirm the status of the winner both at this Olympiad and at many others, and study and science will be among his life priorities.

One of the platforms where Olim presented the results of his scientific activities was the regional conference on fundamental and applied chemistry "Chemistry - XXI century" held in Izhevsk at the end of last year. According to the results of 2019, the student scientific society of VyatSU awarded Olim the title of "Student of the Year in Science" in the nomination "Natural Sciences".

Not only science - real practice of the profession is familiar to Olim in every detail. This is evidenced by the first place of a chemistry student at the III WorldSkills University Championship (autumn 2020) in the laboratory chemical analysis competence.

When talking with Olim, the question inevitably arises: how did he find out about Vyatka State University and why did he choose this university for training?

   - While studying at the lyceum at the Tashkent Pediatric Medical University, I deeply mastered the natural sciences. I had a choice: chemistry or medicine? As a result, he leaned towards chemistry, in parallel with this, he decided to go to study in Russia. Representatives of admissions committees of several Russian universities worked in Tashkent - I entered four of them. However, I decided to stop at Vyatka State University. Why? I confess that at that time I knew a little about the cities of Russia and was guided, rather, by how university employees communicated with us. The representatives of VyatSU made the most favorable impression, the executive secretary of the selection committee Roman Vladimirovich Medov answered - in personal communication and remotely, in correspondence - absolutely to all our questions, even everyday ones, not related to studies. It was an open dialogue that left no doubt. I chose VyatSU and did not regret it, - shared Olim.

He is sure that studying in another country, acquaintance with another culture enrich a person with unique experience, expand the boundaries of ideas about the world. At the same time, Olim is sure that a reciprocal message is important - a worthy presentation of the native country in the city chosen for study.

   - We study at different faculties of VyatSU, we live very friendly. Farrukh Jabbarov, Naim Khasanov (he is a representative of Tajikistan) and my other friends became brothers and sisters for me. We, as representatives of Uzbekistan, understand the responsibility for the reputation of our native country, we try to behave with dignity. In addition, it is important for us to talk about our homeland, to acquaint the inhabitants of Russia with its sights, culture, traditions, cuisine, - Olim emphasized, recalling the participation of Uzbek students in the International Week of VyatSU, as well as in various events of the House of Friendship of the Peoples of the Kirov region.

The correctness of the place chosen for training for Olim is obvious.

   - I am a chemist, and the Kirov region is a region where a number of unique chemical industries are concentrated. HaloPolymer, a subsidiary of Uralchem ​​in Kirovo-Chepetsk - acquaintance with these enterprises provides valuable experience. Education at the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology has a pronounced practice-oriented nature, and the laboratories at the university themselves meet the requirements of the time, are equipped with the latest equipment, - noted Olim. He said that he never misses an opportunity to talk with experienced production workers, exchange contacts, listen to good advice - everything can come in handy!

   - My dream is not only to get a quality education, but also to apply it; develop links between countries and cities; build a bridge between Kirov and Tashkent, - the student admitted.

Study, science, social activities - Olim's life is in full swing! Last fall, he became a member of the 'YouLead' Young Leaders Forum in Kazan, this year he began his studies at the Small Academy of Public Administration of the Kirov region. Is there any time left for leisure?

   - Yes of course! I have been fond of chess since childhood - I play every day, including on Internet sites. Now I have friends from among the representatives of the chess community in Portugal, Argentina and other countries. Recently, at a festival of Russian culture, held at the "Boiling Point" of VyatSU, I learned to play Russian chess "Tavreli". Now I am waiting for the opportunity to teach this game to my elder brother and win a game against him: in traditional Indian chess, which I once became interested in under his influence, he always won, - jokes Olim.

During the conversation, it becomes noticeable: Olim every time tries to emphasize the role of other people in his achievements, his professional and personal development - a truly noble trait! And also, talking about the educational activities of Uzbek students, addressed to schoolchildren of his native country and aimed at providing reliable information about admission to Vyatka State University, he cited as an example the thematic page of Dildora Binaeva on Instagram, considering this undertaking an important matter. Olim commented:

   - Here, on the territory of Russia, Uzbekistan continues to take care of us. In particular, new consular missions are opening. Thus, the Consulate General of the Republic of Uzbekistan is open in Kazan; Last fall we met with Fariddin Badriddinovich Nasriev, Consul General.

The conversation came to an end, but the initial feeling only strengthened: Olim Abdukhalilov is a person with a biography. With honesty, hard work and optimism, he creates it himself - we wish him success on this path!


Translated by Artemy Sizov

Read in Russian
