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Chinese students celebrate Spring Holiday

  • 12 March 2015, 13:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5969

Do you know what the most important celebration in China is? It is a celebration of a traditional Spring Festival (named Chunjie), or Chinese New Year. Students of the Preparatory Faculty gathered together with other students of VyatSU on February 20, 2015 in a club "Perekhod" (Transition) to celebrate this event.



The holiday was funny and noisy. At first, the Chinese students told the audience about their holiday traditions: holiday decorations of houses, holiday presents and cooking. They demonstrated presentations about Chinese New Year souvenirs, their national cuisine, and traditional gifts that they presented to each other in China.

Then the students showed a small concert to the guests. Everybody was captivated by Chinese girls’ beauty and grace while they performed a "Dance with fans". The audience was pleased by Liu Sitsi’s playing the guitar and Meng Yang’s singing. And a beatbox by Yang Yui caused a storm of applause. And all the viewers joined the final dance based on modern and folk Chinese songs.



The holiday went on with the most favorite Chinese active games; all the participants took part in them with pleasure.

A beautifully laid table was also highly appreciated. The Chinese carefully observe a festive table to be overfilled with a variety of treats. The guests were offered dishes of chicken, fish and tofu, because in the Chinese language these products sound like words meaning "happiness" and "wealth". There also were dumplings prepared with various fillings, because for Chinese people dumpling’s shape resembles gold and silver ingots and symbolize a wish of wealth.

At the end of the event Elena Syrtsova, Director of the Institute for Lifelong Education of the Russian and Foreign Citizens, congratulated the Chinese students on the New Year and wished them successful study of the Russian language at VyatSU.


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