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Designers of Vyatka State University created the first installation for high-precision metal casting in Russia

  • 29 September 2022, 09:04
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2098

According to them, the development surpasses analogues in efficiency and in the future is able to completely replace the import of complex products needed in aviation, mechanical engineering, energy, medicine and other areas.

Vacuum induction centrifugal casting (VICC, according to the international designation) is a technology that makes it possible to obtain highly complex products needed in almost all areas of modern industry. VICC works well with titanium and high-temperature nickel-chromium alloys, superalloys and reactive alloys, the scientists explained.

Today in Russia the demand for high-precision casting significantly exceeds the supply, experts noted. According to them, in connection with the sanctions, almost all industries in the country are experiencing an acute shortage of both products and foundry plants. Parallel imports are expensive and do not provide technical support from the manufacturer.

Designers of the Engineering Center of Vyatka State University have developed the first domestic installation for VICC - "Sirius RCM10". According to them, it surpasses analogues in efficiency and is based only on Russian components.

One casting machine with a load of up to a kilogram, when working in only one shift, can make up to 8,000 casting cycles per year, which yields up to five tons of finished castings, the scientists explained. According to them, the production of many products without a VICC installation is extremely labor intensive or simply impossible. Carrying out casting in a vacuum, as the scientists explained, allows increasing the complexity and quality of products, expanding the range of alloys used.

"Thanks to our development, it is possible to strengthen or create within the country the production of parts for turbojet engines, power plants for mini-aviation, compact power plants, a number of medical and industrial instruments, implants and endoprostheses, automotive and machine-building components, elements of chemical equipment, various electrical equipment", - emphasized Igor Krinitsyn.

In addition, Vyatka State University scientists proposed using phosphate binders instead of ethyl silicate compositions for the manufacture of casting molds for VICC, which significantly increases the environmental friendliness of production and reduces the cost of the process by reducing the requirements for personnel qualifications.

Currently, a team of scientists is developing a version of the installation with a maximum load of up to five kilograms, and is also preparing to launch a foundry cluster in the Kirov region, the experience of which will help scale the new production to solve all-Russian problems.

Text and image source: RIA Novosti
