Online newspaper

Experts from different regions will sum up the results of the implementation of the international project Humanitarian Cooperation at the Boiling Point of VyatSU

  • 20 December 2020, 11:14
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1652

How does the civic position of young people agree with their activities? Are there possible disagreeing connotations, when beliefs come into conflict with actions, behavior, the collective unconscious? How does the university / school contribute to the formation of social mobility and civic initiative among students? What opportunities and problems arise in this process? What is the role of tangible and intangible incentives for volunteers?

The range of questions focused on identifying the basic moral values ​​of modern youth is in the focus of the expert Roundtable “Revealing civic initiatives within the educational process”.

The round table will be held in a videoconference format on December 22, 2020 from 14.00 to 15.00 at the "Boiling Point" of VyatSU. It is planned to sum up the results of a series of online discussions that VyatSU is implementing jointly with ANO Megaproject.

The online conference will be built on the principle of free exchange of views of people with extensive experience in working with youth, as well as social design and implementation of projects.

Each participant is an expert on the issues discussed, so your opinion is valuable and meaningful.

We invite you to join the discussion of the current topic!

After registration on the Leader-ID: (deadline - 09.00.22 December 2020), a link to access the zoom platform will be sent to the email address.

Translated by Artemy Sizov

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