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Fifth-year student Evgeny Verbitsky represents Vyatka State University in the competition in the "CAD Engineering Design"

  • 5 September 2022, 11:55
  • Author: admin
  • Views 941

Fifth-year student Evgeny Verbitsky represents Vyatka State University in the competition in the "CAD Engineering Design" competency in the Final of the V National Interuniversity Championship "Young Professionals" (Worldskills Russia)

During the two days of the competition, the participant will complete 4 task modules

Participation in the Final of the V National Interuniversity Championship "Young Professionals" (Worldskills Russia) for Vyatka State University began with the "CAD Engineering Design" competency.

Note that this competency is one of those in which representatives of the largest university in the Kirov region won several brilliant victories at the all-Russian level. Among the winners of the gold medals of the national championships were Alexander Korshunov (2017) and Danil Anufriev (2018) - under guidance of Andrey Flaksman, Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technologies in Mechanical Engineering, who is at the origins of the WorldSkills movement in the "CAD Engineering Design" competence at Vyatka State University.

This year, Andrei Lvovich, an expert-compatriot of the championship, is a mentor to Evgeny Verbitsky, a student of the 5th year of study in the Design of Technological Machines and Complexes department of the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design. September 5, the first day of the competition, the participant developed three-dimensional models. Design and modeling was carried out both according to the drawings and according to the initial data on the technical and functional purpose. The tasks also include a presentation part, including animation.

- Today I completed two modules: the first seemed more difficult than the second." shared Evgeny Verbitsky at the end of the test, - Andrey Flaksman clarified, - Previously, participants performed two, maximum three modules at the championship. There are four this year.

The remaining two modules Evgeny will have to complete on September 6, on the final day of the competition in his competence. We wish the representative of Vyatka State University success!

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