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For practical skills in biotechnology - to Vyatka State University!

  • 19 July 2021, 15:16
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1507

Students of capital's universities choose the laboratories of the Institute of Biology and Biotechnology of VyatSU as a place for practical training.

Ekaterina Zasukhina and Elizaveta Pavlova, sophomores in the 'Biotechnology' direction of the Moscow Polytechnic University, have their first training practice in the laboratories of the Department of Biotechnology at VyatSU.

The two-week internship program in a research group led by Associate Professor Andrei Gerasimov is very rich. The students have already mastered the main stages of working with cell cultures of the CNO line, and ahead of them is the study of methods of genetic engineering, horizontal electrophoresis of DNA in agarose gel, PCR method.

It is important to note that during the practice, students from the capital not only master the methods of modern biotechnology, but also get acquainted with the prospects of pharmaceutical biotechnology, the peculiarities of training biotechnologists at the largest university in the Kirov region.

Here's how they feel about it.

    This practice allowed me to immerse myself in the specialty, to realize the scale and prospects of biotechnology. I was very interested in pharmaceutical biotechnology and seriously thought about enrolling in a magistracy at VyatSU in the future. There is strong practical training, which is important for professional growth. I am glad to meet the new graduates and students of the Department of Biotechnology, who tell me about what job opportunities are open for them, give valuable advice on the development of their professional abilities and competencies. I began to see better the horizons of my development in the biotechnology industry - I will strive for them, -

shared Elizaveta Pavlova.

Ekaterina Zasukhina said:

    The university and the equipment of the laboratories impressed me. This is the first time I work with cell cultures - these are very modern and completely new skills for me: after all, we did not have special disciplines yet. Now I am acquiring an interesting and valuable experience that will definitely come in handy in the future.


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