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Genetic Santa Barbara of mankind by Mikhail Gelfand in the project «Lectures at the Polytechnic»

  • 6 February 2020, 01:34
  • Author: admin
  • Views 5232

February 10 (Monday) 2020, a leading scientist in the field of bioinformatics, doctor of biological sciences and candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Mikhail Gelfand (Moscow) will speak in the educational project «Lectures at the Polytechnic»

His lecture on the theme «Neanderthals, Denisovans and Cro-Magnons: genetic Santa Barbara» will be held as part of the popular science tour organized by the Atomic Energy Information Center in Kirov.

Who are the people who stood at the origins of Homo sapiens? What happened to them in the process of biological evolution? What do they have to do with us living in the 21st century? Today, this urgent topic excites many scientists - from anthropologists, historians to geneticists, linguists and bioinformatics. Several tens of thousands of years ago, representatives of three branches of humanity lived in Eurasia: Cro-Magnons, Neanderthals and Denisovans. They have been meeting, starting families, and in the DNA of modern people there are traces of these close ties. About the genetic series of Santa Barbara will be discussed at the lecture.

For reference:

Mikhail Gelfand (Moscow) - Russian bioinformatics. Doctor of biological sciences (molecular biology), candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (biophysics). Deputy Director of the Institute for Information Transmission Problems named after Kharkevich, Professor, Head of the Skoltech Biotechnology Master's Program, Professor at the Department of Complex System Modeling Technologies at the Higher School of Economics (HSE), Member of the European Academy. Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the newspaper «Troitsky Variant – Science». Member of the Council of the Society of Scientists.

The lecture will be held on Monday, February 10, 2020, at 17.00 at the address: 36 Moskovskaya st, the main building of Vyatka State University, auditorium 1-128. Admission is free!

We invite our regular listeners and everyone to a lecture!

Please register online at (you must write your full name).

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