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Get Involved: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Online Winter School

  • 16 November 2022, 12:12
  • Author: admin
  • Views 949

Students who are receiving higher education in bachelor's, specialist's and master's programs, and graduate students are invited to participate

Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IIT) is our partner and one of the best universities in India. In December 2022, IIT invites Vyatka State University students to free online courses in the following areas:

  •     "Science and Technology of Carbon and Hydrogen Capture, Use and Storage: Carbon Management and Sustainable Energy" - lecturers: Prof. Vikram Vishal and Prof. Arnab Dutta
  •     "Systems Biology: A Quantitative Way to Understand Regulation in Biology" - Lecturer: Prof. Sandeep Kar
  •     "Durability and environmental friendliness of building materials" - lecturers: Prof. Swati Manohar and Prof. Vikram Vishal
  •     "Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Policy Development in the Context of Education: An Interdisciplinary Perspective" - ​​Lecturer: Prof. Syamantak Das

The format is an online winter school.
The duration of the course is a maximum of 2 weeks.

You can register for the courses until November 25, 2022. Check out the school booklet: IIT Bombay Winter school 2022.

Course organizers will answer questions:

Dr. Pratibha Yadav, e-mail:

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