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Graduate urban planners of VyatSU visited Yoshkar-Ola

  • 17 April 2021, 10:11
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1525
A city tour was conducted for the students of VyatSU

The students visited the exposition of the international competition "Ecopark Tarkhanovo in Yoshkar-Ola". An interuniversity team took part in this competition, which included a 2nd year student of the Institute of Construction and Architecture of PSTU Ekaterina Pshonkina, Associate Professor of ISA PSTU S.A. Lohanina, a 5th year student of the Faculty of Construction and Architecture of VyatSU Alena Mezentseva and Associate Professor of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning of VyatSU I. A. Soboleva. Concepts and sketches about wooden architecture and ethnopark in the interuniversity project were highly rated by the competition jury and will be taken into account by the investor when working out the project documentation.

Such meetings contribute to the formation of future architects. Communication helps students exchange experiences and ideas

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