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Here is the Russian spirit!

  • 29 October 2020, 10:24
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1893

A holiday of Russian culture was held for foreign students of VyatSU at the "Boiling Point"

On October 26, the university's "Boiling Point" became the venue for a large event dedicated to Russia, its traditions, national culture, and peculiarities of the Russian character. The organizers of the holiday were ANO "Megaproject" and the department of international activities of VyatSU, and the participants were students from Asia, Africa and Europe studying at different faculties of the largest university in the Kirov region.

A guest in the house means a samovar on the table. This has long been the practice in Russian families. Fragrant tea, often brewed with medicinal herbs, is usually served with sushki, bagels, gingerbread cookies, marshmallow, pies, honey - the table should burst with food! Most of them are gifts of nature, nourishing and healthy. The foreign guests of Russia were not only told about this, but also given the opportunity to see for themselves: the various treats offered for tasting were met with a bang!

During the feast, there was even a place for a master class on the preparation of the delicious Pavlova dessert. It is known that it was invented not in Russia, but in New Zealand, but is dedicated to the outstanding Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova. Therefore, the organizers considered it appropriate to acquaint the guests with the secrets of making tender meringue with whipped cream, decorated with wild berries of central Russia.

"This is not the first time I've tried this dessert, but I've never cooked it. Now I have mastered it - it turned out very tasty! I will definitely remember this recipe", - shared Diyora Umarkhodzhaeva, a student of the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design.

Does every Russian know what "Tavreli" is? Most likely no. But a student of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology, Olim Abdukhalilov, who came from Uzbekistan, is now well aware of this.

"This is the name of Russian chess, which we were told about here. The game impressed me, being not only intellectual, but also very humane: no one chops anyone, all the pieces remain on the board. Those who are captured can be rescued", - commented Olim Abdukhalilov.

The opinion of the chemistry student is important: after all, he has significant experience in playing traditional chess, and last year he took part in a simultaneous game session with the eminent grandmaster Anatoly Karpov. Olim said that he plans to continue his acquaintance with Russian chess - there is an opportunity for this: each participant of the mini-tournament was gifted a set of tavreli.

Clothes, as we know, do not make the man, but in any case, the importance of clothing can hardly be overestimated. The history of Russian costume in the context of modern fashion trends - Igor Chapurin spoke to the students on this topic. Yes, yes, it is Igor Chapurin, the world famous fashion designer, winner of prestigious awards, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation! The history and significance of the color palette, ornaments, jewelry and accessories, details of the national costume, its reflection in the collections of Russian and European fashion designers, including Igor Vyacheslavovich himself - the story about this made an indelible impression!

"There is a Russian spirit ... there smells of Russia!" - these lines from Pushkin have been accompanying us since childhood. The Russian spirit also reigned at the celebration at the "Boiling Point", - it is gratifying that it met with sympathy and respect from foreign guests!


Translated by Artemy Sizov

Read in Russian
