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How to create a cohesive team in extreme conditions?

  • 16 August 2021, 14:47
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1514

 "Extreme" training for young scientists and graduate students took place at the Boiling Point of VyatSU

The training is aimed at building a team of proactive young researchers, as well as developing soft skills that are responsible for successful participation in the work process.

The year 2021, so important for those who have linked their lives with science, gives a lot of reasons to develop their potential. Thus, the event for young scientists became another opportunity for the formation of professional competencies, such as: the ability to work in a team, the development of personal and managerial qualities.

For example, training under the guidance of Elena Kazakovtseva, Head of the Human Resources Management and Employment Department, is aimed at developing leadership skills. Using sign language, the team members had to construct a house and add geometric shapes. Only such qualities as the ability to negotiate, show managerial skills and ingenuity helped to cope with the task.

In the second part of the training, young scientists joined the team building game "Transformation", which was co-organized by a team of specialists from the "Flying Ship" active recreation center. The stages have become really extreme. This is  solving of a huge puzzle-reproduction of the painting by V. Kandinsky, rafting, passing the obstacle course with closed eyes and a rope course.

Having overcome the sports stations without fear and doubt and having passed intellectual tests with great interest, young scientists who were not familiar to each other learned to trust each other and felt a belonging to the university atmosphere. Each participant realized that everything changes when the team is fully involved in the implementation of the common goal and objectives. Now incredible things can be done for the benefit of the university!

Activities for young scientists are implemented in accordance with the federal program to promote the employment of graduates in 2020 and 2021 for research positions in educational institutions of higher education. At present, the formation of a team of initiative young scientists is one of the strategic directions in the activities of VyatSU.

I wish you success and good luck, young people, in science and life!

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