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"Hydrogen and electrochemical energy": a new laboratory was opened at VyatSU as part of the Habitat strategic project of the Priority 2030 program

  • 2 December 2022, 13:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1897
"Hydrogen and electrochemical energy": a new laboratory was opened at VyatSU as part of the Habitat strategic project of the Priority 2030 program
Classes will be held here for students under the program of the eponymous master's program, as well as bachelor's and further vocational programs. The plans include organizing events to promote hydrogen energy for schoolchildren
The presentation of the laboratory "Hydrogen and electrochemical energy" took place at the Vyatka State University. The event was attended by VyatSU Rector Valentin Pugach, Vice-Rector for Education Sergey Nikulin, heads and employees of structural divisions.
Director of the Institute of Chemistry and Ecology of Vyatka State University Denis Kozulin said:
    "In accordance with the Priority 2030 program, we are implementing the Habitat strategic project, within which we are fulfilling the tasks of creating materials, technologies and devices for hydrogen and electrochemical energy. There are three blocks in our strategic project: research, technology and education. This year we opened the master's program "Hydrogen and Electrochemical Energy", which has been mastered by 8 students. From the first day of training, they are involved in real research tasks. Today we present a laboratory that combines educational and research components. There are test stands here, which make it possible to observe various processes, including the production of electrical energy from chemical energy."
The educational and methodical stand "Vanadium redox battery" is designed to familiarize with the principles of operation of flow redox batteries, to study the change in their characteristics under different operating modes. Such a stand will contribute to the formation of competencies in the field of innovative technology for the accumulation of large amounts of electricity. The equipment provides for the possibility of connecting membrane-electronic units in parallel and in series - this will allow you to control the values of the discharge current and voltage.
In addition, the laboratory is equipped with educational and methodological stands "Hydrogen Energy" and "Solid Oxide Microtubular Fuel Cells", "Test for the Practical Study of Electricity Conversion and Switching", and an educational and methodological set "System for Practical Study of the Fuel Cell". All this will allow organizing the process of mastering the latest competencies in a promising industry at the highest possible level.
     "It is important that we can replace all devices with our own designs, which will allow us to visually evaluate their characteristics in the working environment. Accordingly, our students get the opportunity to see the results of their work with their own eyes when completing master's theses," - Denis Kazulin stressed.
He also said that the new laboratory will be open for undergraduate and vocational studies, as well as events for schoolchildren to promote hydrogen energy.
Recall that "Habitat" is one of the three strategic projects of Vyatka State University. The strategic project is aimed at reducing the negative anthropogenic impact on the environment, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, in particular carbon dioxide.