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"I feel like a man of the world"

  • 5 February 2021, 10:03
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1760
Erast Mukaba Kadiai, a student of VyatSU from Congo, told about this and many other things

Erast Mukeba Kadiai came to Russia for higher education from Kinshasa, the capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Choosing a university, Erast settled on VyatSU, the largest university in the Kirov region.

- A friend told me about Vyatka State University, who by that time was already a student of this university. He praised the quality of teaching, living conditions, spoke warmly about the city of Kirov, - recalls Erast. Today he is pleased that he listened to good advice and, having completed a year of training in the Russian language at the preparatory faculty of VyatSU, became a student of the Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Engineering direction of the Polytechnic Institute. This choice, said Erast, was influenced by a family tradition: the young man followed in the footsteps of his father, an electrical engineer by profession.

  - I like Kirov: it is a calm city, and living in it is budgetary in comparison with a metropolis. I am also pleased with the team I got into. The teachers are not only extremely professional, but also responsive: they are sympathetic to the fact that I receive higher education in a language that is not my native language - shared Erast. By the way, he speaks Russian quite well - and not only speaks it, but also sings!

    I love music since childhood. When I was fourteen, my mother gave me a guitar. Since then I have not parted with her: I play, compose music, sing. Mostly in French, of course. At the same time, in my repertoire there are songs in Russian, even romances, - told Erast.

The talent of an amateur musician did not go unnoticed: Erast was recognized as the winner of the "Student Autumn". During a conversation with him, another interesting fact was revealed: during the self-isolation announced in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, Erast did not waste time. He began to master the piano - fortunately, that there is an instrument in the dormitory, and video lessons on YouTube - now Erast plays on it!

What is the dream of a sophomore of the electrical engineering faculty, what are his future plans? Erast does not exclude various options.

   - At the moment, there is no firm decision: perhaps it will be a continuation of studies in the magistracy; maybe work. Where - also time will tell. I feel like a man of the world: I love my native country, I feel great in Russia, I am curious about how people live in other parts of the world. I want to benefit others and live with interest myself, -
such is Erast's aspiration. With his talent and hard work, it will certainly be realized!

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