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In top 100 Russia

  • 14 January 2019, 09:15
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3276
The journal “Theoretical and Applied Ecology” (VyatSU is its co-founder) was included in the list of the top 100 Russian scientific journals


The journal "Theoretical and Applied Ecology" is continually strengthening its position in the world of science. Published since 2007, the journal is included in the Ulrinch’s Periodicals Directory, Google Scholar, Russian Science Citation Index (RISC); Scopus, RSCI on the WoS; it has successfully passed VAK re-registration. 2018 was a time for great achievements in publication. Within the project “Continuing competitive support for scientific journals entry into international scientometric databases” implemented in accordance with the federal target program “Research and development in priority areas of the scientific and technological complex for 2014-2020”, the journal “Theoretical and Applied Ecology” is included in the list of the 100 best Russian scientific journals and received 1 million rubles financial support.

The chief editor of the magazine, Professor Tamara Ashikhmina, said:

The facts say how the magazine has developed. The number of foreign authors interested in publishing there is steadily growing: last year they provided more than twenty percent of publications.

Their geography is also expanding: scientists from China, Canada, Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Belarus, and Algeria cooperate with us.

One third of publications in 2018 were done in English. The quality of the materials presented in the publication has significantly improved, along with the printed version, the electronic version was launched, a unique electronic edition of the journal was developed, and competitions for the best articles and reviews were held.

There are new plans ahead, like promotion in the ranking and entry into the top 75 scientific journals of Russia.

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