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In VyatSU, we create scientists who meet the demands of the rapidly changing world

  • 7 September 2021, 17:57
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1533

 One of the many steps on this path was the training and strategic session "Scientific Communications" from UrFU professionals

Scientific activities are traditionally one of the priorities of the Vyatka State University. At the same time, the changing reality puts new tasks before the university, requires transformatio of ideas that are seemingly set in stone - including the image of a scientist of the XXI century, who can work effectively in conditions of uncertainty, instability, complexity, ambiguity.

It is from these positions at the university approach the training of personnel capable of creating the science of the future. Currently, the university is a member of the Employment Program for graduates to research positions launched by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Over 60 graduates 2020-2021 are already taken to the corresponding positions in various institutions of VyatSU. - All of them pass an interesting and difficult path consisting of important stages.

- We are talking about the formation of not only professional, but also of competencies above that: systemic thinking, creative thinking, critical thinking, network literacy, communication, collaborations - they comply with the needs of the VUCA-world and are necessary for the successful achievement of  useful results. The university has access to a special diagnostic platform, one of the best in the country - many participants of the program have already passed the diagnosis on it and determined what competencies they should develop first. For this, the platform provides hundreds of practices that allow you to increase your skills. In addition, the tutor from among the staff of the department works with each employee, - told the head of the department for managing staff and employment of VyatSU, Elena Kazakovtseva.

On September 2-3, a training and strategic session on the development of communications skills in the scientific sphere and the formation of interdisciplinary design teams took place for the participants of the program at Engineerium. The vice-rector for science and innovation Sergei Litvinets appealed to the gathered:

  -  Communications of the modern scientist consists of three components. First, they must be a highly professional narrow specialist in its field. At the same time, they have great communications skills with colleagues working in the same area of ​​knowledge. And finally, life dictates the need to establish interdictic connections, interdisciplinary collaborations.

After the inspirational greeting of Sergei Gennadevich, the project participants were plunged into a fascinating world of mastering new knowledge and joint scientific creativity under the leadership of the Center for the Development of Universal Competencies of the Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin.

At the training, young employees of VyatSU approached scientific communications from different sides: and through communication with colleagues from other areas of activity; and from the point of view of motivation, solving the question, how to encourage the others to engage in science; And in a situation of communication with investors, relevant today more than ever. On the second day, during the strategic session, students united into interdisciplinary teams - each invented their own scientific project, in which the place was found both for technical people and humanitarians. "Open Book", "Esperanto V.2.0", "VRelaxe", "pup.ok", "UDP", "Living Light Bulb" - confident attempts have been assigned for these creative names to solve truly serious problems. This is an improvement of the book format for blind people; creating a universal language system; launch of the VR service for a full-fledged rest, not inferior to real; solving the problem of umbilical hernia in babies; creation of a universal dynamic coating for cars; The introduction of new type lamps.

  -  The results of the teams are impressive. The students are passionate, show activity, feel comfortable in the composition of interdisciplinary teams, - noted the teacher of the Center for the Development of Universal Competences UrFU Anastasia Stepanova.

Her colleague director of the Center, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor URF Ivan Zashkinsky stressed:

   - I like the idea itself very much - to make young people remain working in the university. It is important that the leadership of VyatSU draws attention to it. I am grateful to the university, personally, the rector, to all the organizers for inviting me to work on this project.

Participants' eyes, burning with passion, reflected the impression of the event the best. Nevertheless, young employees of the largest university region left feedback.

   - For me, it became the time of important discoveries. We achieved fruitful cooperation in the team and came up with an interesting project, - told Roman Wals, a graduate of the Electrotechnical Faculty, now the junior researcher of the Department of Electrical Stations.

  -  I looked at some things differently, through the eyes of representatives of other specialties. Also came to a useful conclusion on the issue of presentation of my ideas, negotiating: it concerns raising attention to feedback, -
a graduate of the Faculty of Technology, Engineering and Design Danil Anufriev shared, now working as an engineer of the department of information technologies in mechanical engineering.

Danil Ustsov t
his year completed training in the magistracy of the Legal Institute, now he is a teacher of the Department of Civil Law and Process. Speaking about the event, Danil noted the unusual format. He also expressed confidence that there is a real opportunity to develop interdisciplinary interaction in the future.

Looking at the participants, it is impossible to not say: it will take 10-15 years - and they will make the backbone of science and research at the university, the pleiad of those who move progress and makes breakthroughs, feeling confident in the present and boldly walking towards the future.

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