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Actual problems and methods of career guidance for special people

  • 25 May 2023, 18:19
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2143
The staff of the resource center and students-defectologists got acquainted with the system of work on career guidance for people with disabilities

On May 17, 2023, the resource educational and methodological center for the training of people with disabilities , Vyatka State University, organized a scientific and methodological platform to discuss the issues of training people with disabilities on the basis of the Kirov branch of the Moscow Financial and Law University, which is a partner university of the RUMC VyatSU

As part of the work of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of Modern Science and Education", the staff of the resource center and students-defectologists got acquainted with the system of work on career guidance for people with disabilities.

The head of the Department of Career Guidance and Work with Applicants of the RUMC Vyatka State University Gorodilova Svetlana Alexandrovna presented the main directions, technologies and results of the activity of the resource educational and methodological center for career guidance. The achievements of both partner universities and Vyatka State University were noted. The participants discussed the content of the work of career psychologists to identify the potential opportunities for applicants with disabilities in obtaining higher professional education and advisory activities aimed at individualizing the professional choice of children with disabilities.

RUMC specialists, psychologists, teachers and other participants of the event joined in the discussion of professional testing software technologies and the possibility of using artificial intelligence in career guidance work in inclusive education.

A special topic of discussion was the issue of retraining and vocational guidance for people who received disability in adulthood, including as a result of participation in hostilities, proposed by the head of the VyatSU RUMC Svetlana Bashmakova.

"There are many open questions in this area at the moment. How can such people get a new profession? How to choose a new profession, taking into account their motivation and capabilities? During the discussion, we came to the conclusion that in order to solve these problems, we need new methods of professional diagnostics, new technologies for professional interviews. It is possible that new areas of training are also needed" - Svetlana Bashmakova said.


RUMC VyatSU expresses its gratitude to the organizers for the opportunity to host the event and interest in the development of higher inclusive education in Kirov and the Kirov region.

You can contact the VyatSU RMC for help by calling 8 (8332) 742-800 or by e-mail


Translated by Artemy Sizov


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