Online newspaper

Vyatka State University starts cooperation between the Resource training and methodological center for inclusive education and partner universities from Volga Federal District

  • 18 October 2017, 13:57
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3836

On October 17, 2017 Vyatka State University held a webinar "Resource Training and Methodological Center as a tool to improve accessibility and quality of higher education for people with disabilities"

The online seminar touched upon  the following issues:

  • main problems of training persons with disabilities in higher education organizations and ways to solve them;
  • State policy in the field of education of persons with disabilities in higher education organizations;
  • establishment of Resource training and methodological centers (RTMC) in the Russian Federation;
  • organization of a Resource training and methodological center at VyatSU.


So, RF educational organizations of higher education assigned to VyatSU RTMC participated in the event.

The results of these on-line meetings were presented in solutions for issues related to interaction between higher education organizations in accordance with an approved Roadmap, to conclusion of agreements with partner universities and selection of ways of interaction between universities.


The event has opened cooperation of VyatSU Resource training and methodological center with its partner universities.

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