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VyatSU came up with an algorithm for “packaging” products and methods to solve problems in inclusive education

  • 12 December 2022, 08:30
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1113
The online store of "boxed solutions" was created as part of the All-Russian Forum, which was organized by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation from November 24 to 25 at the Vyatka State University

A "boxed solution" is a methodology, product or any other development that can be easily implemented into your own educational program without the involvement of third-party specialists. According to the Vice-Rector for Strategic Development and Project Activities of VyatSU Konstantin Sergeevich Bazhin, the “boxed solution” is a turnkey product:

  "Such a solution is aimed at specific practical tasks, it can be quickly deployed in unpredictable situations with the least expenditure of resources at the organizational stage."

The Boxed Solutions store helps to cope with several university-wide problems. “Boxed solutions” are applied, they allow you to approach the creation of an inclusive culture in an organization holistically, that is, to involve in the process not only teachers and employees of resource educational and methodological centers, but also university staff who also interact with students.

This is important because most professional development programs are aimed at the teaching community, when the first person that an applicant or student with a disability meets at the university will be an employee: a member of the admissions committee, a security guard at the entrance, a janitor. The employee must know in advance how to correctly help people with different groups of disabilities.

Another equally urgent problem that can be solved with the help of a store is the lack of a quick exchange of inclusive methods between universities. The online store of "boxed solutions" is, first of all, an intermediary platform with a convenient algorithm for interaction between the authors of the "boxes" and those interested in them.

At the same time, the conditions for the transfer of their product are determined by the author himself or the legal entity that owns the patent.

Thus, there is an opportunity not only to actively participate in the development of the Russian system of inclusive education, but also the motivation to create such a high-quality product that can be replicated and sold.

Konstantin Sergeevich Bazhin said that the creation of an algorithm for "packaging" solutions is a new initiative. Until recently, universities did not learn to describe the product as a "box solution" so that it was understandable to another and fully implemented in practice without intermediaries:

"In the future, we plan to launch a special accelerator for packaging the best solutions so that this practice takes root and becomes common for the professional community."

The topic of inclusive education began to actively develop about 10 years ago, during the implementation of the state program "Accessible Environment". Thus, according to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Education and Science, at the end of 2021, about 32,000 students with disabilities were already studying at universities. At the same time, the number of applicants with disabilities and disabilities is likely to continue to grow.
There are several reasons for this, according to Konstantin Sergeevich Bazhin: firstly, in 2023, applicants who have studied for 11 years in the conditions of the development of inclusive education will come to universities, including schoolchildren who are used to full-time education together with classmates without any or health disorders.

Secondly, from September 1, 2022, amendments to Article 79 of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” came into force. According to the new part 8.1, persons with disabilities can receive a second higher education free of charge.

"For us, this means that the total number of applicants and students of different nosological groups will increase. These students will have different individual needs, which the university must take into account in the design of the educational process" - explained Konstantin Sergeevich Bazhin.

The online store of "boxed solutions" will operate on the Forum's website until the end of 2022 for both authors and buyers. Then the collected solutions are planned to be moved to the Inclusive Education website.

The store exhibits many solutions from different regions of Russia. You can get acquainted with them or offer your own on the official website.

"Kirovskaya pravda"


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