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VyatSU experts told how to create conditions for teaching special students

  • 15 June 2023, 17:12
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2325
VyatSU experts told how to create conditions for teaching special students. Employees of the resource educational and methodological center for the training of people with disabilities conducted a consulting visit

Employees of the resource educational and methodological center for the training of people with disabilities Vyatka State University conducted a consulting visit on the implementation of inclusive higher education at the Mari State University

Consulting universities on the implementation of higher inclusive education is one of the priority areas of the RUMC Vyatka State University. RUMC specialists closely cooperate in this direction with partner universities of Mari El, Udmurtia, Chuvashia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Kirov and Orenburg regions.

The meeting at the Mari State University was attended by heads of structural divisions and employees of educational organizations of higher education in charge of training, support and employment of students with disabilities, students and representatives of public organizations of the disabled. There are about 200 people in total.

The meeting was devoted to the issues of ensuring modern requirements for the organization of training and socio-psychological support for students with disabilities in educational institutions of higher education, as well as discussing the draft document "Procedure for ensuring accessibility for disabled people of social, engineering and transport infrastructure facilities and services provided, as well as also providing them with the necessary assistance in the established field of activity of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

Head of the Center for Inclusive Education of MarSU Kozina Irina Borisovna presented the implementation of the inclusive policy at the Mari State University.

Natalya Sheshukova, head of the consulting department of the VyatSU RMC, told the meeting participants about the main measures to create special conditions for people with disabilities to receive higher education. The speaker also presented the results that were achieved during the work of the RMC Vyatka State University:

"The quality of scientific and methodological support for teaching students with disabilities at the university has significantly improved. The educational process is provided with special technical means and programs, educational programs are adapted. Most of the university staff is prepared to work in an inclusive educational environment. Naturally, architectural accessibility at the university is ensured. As a result , over the years the number of incoming, studying and employed students with disabilities has increased".

Translated by Artemy Sizov


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