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Institute of Economics and Management of VyatSU knows how to form the results of the agricultural microcensus of Russia - 2021

  • 14 November 2021, 10:50
  • Author: admin
  • Views 870

The team of the Institute of Economics and Management of Vyatka State University continues research in the framework of interaction with the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat).

For the first time in the history of the Russian Federation, an agricultural microcensus is being carried out - a selective federal statistical observation of individual objects of the agricultural census on the basis of a sample of at least thirty percent of the objects of the agricultural census. The 2021 microcensus results program is intended to form indicators for farms of all categories.

In the course of the research work "Development of recommendations for the formation of official statistical information based on the results of the agricultural microcensus", scientifically substantiated recommendations were created for the formation of official statistical information of the Russian Federation and its subjects on the main indicators of agriculture based on the results of the agricultural microcensus of 2021.

The object of the research is the results of the agricultural microcensus of 2021 according to the main indicators of the survey program.

The results of the study will be used by Rosstat to form the operational results of the 2021 agricultural microcensus conducted in the territory of the Russian Federation, for each category of farms: agricultural organizations, 'peasant' (farmer) farms and individual entrepreneurs, personal subsidiary and other individual farms of citizens, non-profit associations of citizens.

R&D was carried out in order to ensure the main event 9.3. Preparation, carrying out and summing up the results of the All-Russian agricultural censuses (micro-censuses) subprogram 9.3.1. Carrying out methodological developments for the organization and conduct of All-Russian agricultural censuses (microcensus) of the State program of the Russian Federation "Economic development and innovative economy".

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