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Kirov-Damascus opportunities for international cooperation

  • 9 October 2022, 23:13
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2297

On October 7, rectors, deans and teachers of Vyatka State University met with Professor of Damascus University Dr. Salem Hater

Representatives of the Humanitarian and Polytechnical Institutes of the Vyatka State University discussed with Dr. Hater the possibilities of international cooperation and exchange of experience.

The University of Damascus, represented by Dr. Salem Khater, is located in the capital of Syria. It is the oldest and largest university in the country with 16,000 teachers and about 300,000 students. Damascus University graduates are in demand in large companies: thus, according to the professor, their students become leading security specialists at construction sites in Dubai.

Dr. Hater spoke about the experience of working and the organization of the educational system at the university in Syria. He also invited teachers from Vyatka State University to give lectures in Damascus on any topic that seems significant to them today. VyatSU promised to consider the proposal.

During the meeting, the participants found two vectors in which it would be interesting for them to cooperate in the humanitarian field: this is the study of the Russian language at universities in the Middle East and scientific cooperation in the fight against terrorism and extremism.

In recent years, Russian and Syrian universities have been actively establishing cooperation. According to the Ministry of Education on June 17, 2022, 43 documents on cooperation between 28 Russian universities and 17 Syrian organizations have already been signed.

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