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Master student from Angola Geuriciu Bonde Salomau "If I get invited to teach at the Vyatka State University, I will not return to my homeland!"

  • 19 January 2021, 10:49
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1557

Born in Angola, came in handy in Russia! Our insanely interesting interlocutor, student Geuriciu Bonde Salomau, told why he preferred VyatSU to universities from the USA, how he is going to get the university "addicted" to cardio and what is -29C for a South African. Make yourself comfortable, it will be interesting ...

He's got 12 classes of general education with excellent marks, the title of "best electrician" in their field, family, friends, and, well, the Atlantic Ocean is right there too. But does an ambitious young man need this? Give him Russia, learning the Russian language, bachelor's degree and now a master's degree. At the same time, the chosen direction made us surprised. Big and strict in appearance, Jeu comprehends the inner worlds - psychology.

    I told my father when I was 10 that I would be a psychologist. Then he began to call me "Psychologist-Bond". These words are still close to me. I believe that a person can become happy only if he knows himself, understands his goals, those around him; when he is internally healthy. To be alone in complete harmony is wonderful and necessary. I want to comprehend this science, to understand people, myself. I dream of becoming useful to others!

Today he is surprised: in 2014, when he was still living in his homeland, he could not even imagine that learning the science of his dreams would be in the Vyatka outback. On the globe, Jeu saw only 3 countries where he would like to sit at the university desk. Russia, of course, the United States and Great Britain. Why didn't he submit documents to the last two - no answer. And the fact that today he walks in the bitter frost on the Kirov streets, he calls fate.

    Here I am at home. Didn't regret a minute. I managed to study back in Kazan. But there was not enough support from the teachers. This made the study difficult. Here at VyatSU everyone  is ready to help! Classmates, teachers. I can address any questions, and hold 101 consultations, meetings ... I am not alone. I also like that we, foreign students, are attracted everywhere. I have already received two offers from the university: to become a part of the International Students Association and to partner with the International Students Department to help newcomers adapt, etc.

- Jeu, tell us about your hobby. We know that you are doing cardio workouts, and your classes in the gym are accompanied by awesome Afromusic!

    Sport is another big hobby of mine! In our country, trainings similar to the ones I do can be found in many streets in the evening. Music turns on, and people begin to dance, conduct for friends and just passers-by. Leads the one who has experience: one shows, others repeat. I teach Afrohouse, Popstep, Cardio. My dream is to open it at university sites, where students and teachers could. Perhaps someone has no time to visit the gyms, but here such happiness is right in one of the buildings! Lose weight, become healthy!

- We love creatives! Great offer, it will definitely be considered! What if you are asked to stay and teach after graduation? Will you accept?

    If the offer comes from the university, I will accept it and stay here!

- By the way, did you miss your homeland? I haven't seen my relatives for 5 years.

    Recently I wished my family a Happy New Year. In our country, it is on December 25th. We see each other often online. I will definitely choose a time and visit my parents. And maybe I will invite them here. If only frosts such as now, "turn off". For residents of Angola, +14 is a signal for warming. And here it is totally different! I'm afraid to go out!

- And we don't even know which New Year to wish you on then! To both! By the way, how was the Russian one celebrated?

    Happy New Year, Kirov! There were tangerines. I didn't go for a walk, I was at home, watched the fireworks and went to bed. Probably for the first time this year I did not feel a holiday. The year has been difficult. It took a lot of energy. So I decided to spend it quietly so that ones like that would not come again.

- And we also hope that the Year of the Ox will be happy, kind and productive for everyone! Thanks for the interview, for your energy! Let everything that you dream about come true, conquer psychology, training will bring results, an offer for cooperation will be heard.

There are so many bright, versatile, unique people in VyatSU that it seems that you can never tell about all of them. But it only seems so. New people, successes and destinies are coming soon. And if you know that a person worthy of TEFI, GRAMMY or OSCAR is studying next to you - give us a hint!

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