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Master student of Vyatka State University Inna Suslonova passes competitive tests in the Final of 5th the National Interuniversity Championship "Young Professionals" (Worldskills Russia) in the compet

  • 11 September 2022, 18:54
  • Author: admin
  • Views 2025

The participant successfully overcame the tasks of the first day of the competition, showing the level of competence in working with children. On the second day of the competition, Inna will demonstrate her ability to work with teachers

On September 6, in the Final of 5th the National Interuniversity Championship "Young Professionals" (Worldskills Russia), competitions in the "Preschool Education" competency began. Vyatka State University is represented by Inna Suslonova, a first-year graduate student of the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology.

"The first task was related to the development of an expressive reading of the Russian folk tale "The Frog-Princess". I made a summary, which reflected the conversation with the children and the interactive game, and conducted the lesson itself" - Inna told during the break between competitions.

Help in demonstrating the lesson prepared by the participant was provided by volunteers: they acted as preschoolers.

The second task of the first day of the Final included a virtual tour using interactive equipment and video recording, as well as classes using robotics. As a result, the experts were able to assess the level of professional competencies for working with children by the representative of Vyatka State University.

"Inna has been working in the WorldSkills format since her second year of undergraduate studies. She took part in the intra-university championships in the competence "Preschool education", so she has sufficient experience" - said WorldSkills standards expert - Svetlana Savinova, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education.

Svetlana Vasilievna emphasized that the WorldSkills format has been actively used at the faculty for a long time in conducting classes, intermediate certification and even state exams. This, according to the expert, is very important from the point of view of practice orientation: students who have such experience, in the future it is much easier to enter independent professional activities.

And Inna Suslonova has the second (final) day of the competition ahead of her. The proposed tasks will make it possible to draw conclusions about the level of competence of the participant when working with representatives of the pedagogical community. The student will demonstrate the ability to organize methodical work with personnel through the development of a didactic game and a master class for teachers.

Note that this year Inna graduated with honors from the Pedagogical Institute of Vyatka State University. At the solemn ceremony, the graduate was presented with a red diploma by the Acting Governor of the Kirov Region Alexander Sokolov.

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