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'Mendeleev' ecological expedition ended

  • 17 September 2021, 20:39
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1592

 The final presentation of the results of scientific work summing up the results of the expedition took place at the site of the Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve

The Mendeleev Ecological Expedition took place in the year of science and technologies on the initiative of the federal environmental operator (enterprise of State Corporation 'Rosatom').

During ones week, participants of Mendeleev ecological expedition conducted their own research in the water and on the shores of Lake Baikal, in the floodplain of the River Solzan, on the maps of the Baikal cellulose and paper plant and in the Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve.

    We consider it extremely important to pay great attention to the issues of enhancing the environmental culture and the development of environmental thinking. 'Mendeleev' ecological expedition showed that the topic of ecology is very close to young people. Conducting their own research on Lake Baikal, touched by the fascinating world of chemistry and ecology, the participants of the expedition felt the importance of preserving natural wealth and saw prospects that the industrial ecologist's profession opens, -

Noted the director of the direction for the implementation of state and sectoral programs in the field of ecology of the state corporation "Rosatom", Andrei Lebedev,

    - Participants in the sad example of the Baikal cellulose and paper plant saw with their own eyes,how important it is to consciously approach any industrial processes, putting safety for the environment.

'Mendeleev' Ecological Expedition began in Moscow with participation in the All-Russian Ecological Dictation of "EcoTalk", held at the RHTU site named after D.I. Mendeleev.

Immediately after the ecological dictation, the participants went to the Irkutsk region, where they got introduced to the methods of research work in the field of ecology, the ecosystem of the unique Lake Baikal and scientific works, which are now held in its waters.

The program of the Mendeleev Ecological Expedition included the days of hydroecology, anthropogenic impact and biodiversity.

All the work of the participants of the expedition took place under the guidance of their scientific leaders: Professor of Vyatka State University, Doctor of Technical Sciences Tamara Ashchimina; Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Industrial Ecology of the RHTU "D.I. Mendeleev" Sergey Azopkov; Professor of the Department "Ecology and Technosphere Safety", Doctor of Biological Sciences SSTU "Gagarin Yu.A." Elena Tikhomirova.

On the day of hydroecology, participants worked as part of groups in the water, on the shore and in the floodplains of the Lake Baikal's rivers.

On the day of the anthropological impact on the environment, the participants of the expedition examined the BCPP platform, conducted their own studies of the waste waters from the Solzansky polygon, analyzed pollution, evaluated the impact of the BCPP on the biolife on the territory of the industrial site.

On the day of biodiversity "Mendeleevtsy" studied the territory of the Baikal State Natural Biosphere Reserve in Buryatia.

In parallel with the research work, the guys listened to the lectures of the Russian crystallograph, minerologist, chemist, professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences Artem Oganov, Associate Professor of the Volga-Vyatsky Institute MGYA Elena Gordeva, Astrophysicist, senior researcher at the Institute of Solar-Earth Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergey Yazev.

The final event of the Mendeleev ecological expedition was the presentation of the results of scientific work done by the participants.

Detailed expedition diaries are available on the expedition pages on social networks:

Photo and video footage:

Interviews of participants and experts:

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