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In the Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University appeared "Apothecary's garden"

  • 10 August 2023, 12:45
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1846

The territory of medicinal plants, including those listed in the Red Book, will become not only a place for recreation and learning, but also a raw material base for research under the Health Technologies strategic project

The Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University never ceases to amaze and delight. One of the innovations of the current season was the "Apothecary Garden" - a path leads to it, laid next to the "White Dome".

Previously, this place, being planted with medicinal plants, including rare and protected ones, was closed to visitors. After the modernization, the far corner of the botanical garden was opened in an updated form. Plants listed in the Red Data Book of the Kirov Region coexist here with those that are widely distributed in nature. For example, next to the rare and protected large-flowered foxglove, there is meadow geranium, which grows everywhere in the region.

The Eryngium planum, the Nepeta grandiflora, the Paeonia tenuifolia - you can see these and other plants in the Apothecary's Garden. Designed in a relaxed style, it resembles a traditional vegetable garden. Very soon the exposition will be complemented by an information stand.

The Apothecary's Garden will become not only a place of rest and learning. An employee of the REC "Botanical Garden" VyatSU Maria Skorobogataya said:

- We are implementing a large project to study the component composition of plants of the local flora, to search for substances that will become functional ingredients for the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. This concerns, first of all, rare and protected plants. Due to their small number, they cannot be collected in nature. Therefore, we ourselves will grow raw materials for scientific research.

The objects of study, she added, will also be endemic plants - in this case, found only in the territory of the Kirov region.

The launched project, one of the platforms of which will be the Pharmaceutical Garden, will contribute to the implementation of the Health Technologies strategic project, a large-scale component of the Priority 2030 university development program.

The territory of medicinal plants, including those listed in the Red Book, will become not only a place for recreation and learning, but also a raw material base for research under the Health Technologies strategic project

The Botanical Garden of Vyatka State University never ceases to amaze and delight. One of the innovations of the current season was the "Apothecary Garden" - a path leads to it, laid next to the "White Dome".

Previously, this place, being planted with medicinal plants, including rare and protected ones, was closed to visitors. After the modernization, the far corner of the botanical garden was opened in an updated form. Plants listed in the Red Data Book of the Kirov Region coexist here with those that are widely distributed in nature. For example, next to the rare and protected large-flowered foxglove, there is meadow geranium, which grows everywhere in the region.

The Eryngium planum, the Nepeta grandiflora, the Paeonia tenuifolia - you can see these and other plants in the Apothecary's Garden. Designed in a relaxed style, it resembles a traditional vegetable garden. Very soon the exposition will be complemented by an information stand.

The Apothecary's Garden will become not only a place of rest and learning. An employee of the REC "Botanical Garden" VyatSU Maria Skorobogataya said:

- We are implementing a large project to study the component composition of plants of the local flora, to search for substances that will become functional ingredients for the food, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries. This concerns, first of all, rare and protected plants. Due to their small number, they cannot be collected in nature. Therefore, we ourselves will grow raw materials for scientific research.

The objects of study, she added, will also be endemic plants - in this case, found only in the territory of the Kirov region.

The launched project, one of the platforms of which will be the Pharmaceutical Garden, will contribute to the implementation of the Health Technologies strategic project, a large-scale component of the Priority 2030 university development program.

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