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A cartoon was made about the famous Vyatka poet Yermil Kostrov

  • 13 January 2023, 19:24
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1619
A cartoon was made about the famous Vyatka poet Yermil Kostrov. The picture tells about the biography of the poet, and also recites his poems

Ermil Kostrov is an outstanding Russian poet and translator, whose works Alexander Pushkin himself admired. It was Ermil Ivanovich who was the first to translate into Russian the "Iliad" by the ancient Greek poet Homer, as well as the work "The Golden Ass" (this name was given by Augustine the Blessed, and the novel was originally called "Metamorphoses") by the ancient Roman poet Apuleius.

Ermil Ivanovich was born in 1755 in the village of Sineglinye (the modern name is Sinegorye) of the Sloboda district. He studied at the Vyatka Theological Seminary, after which he moved to Moscow, where he studied at the first Russian university - the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy. He began writing poetry while still at the Vyatka Seminary, and after graduating from the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University (modern Moscow State University), Kostrov became a university poet and received a salary - such a decision was made by Empress Catherine II herself.

Students of the Vyatka State University and the Vyatka Art School, on the initiative of the Sloboda Museum and Exhibition Center, created the cartoon "Yermil Kostrov", in which the artist of the "Theatre on Spasskaya" Alexander Korolevskiy tells the biography of the poet and also reads his poems. The director, screenwriter and artist of the film was the same person - Maxim Naumov.

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