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A remote stage of the All-Russian Students’ Olympiad on Pedagogy is finishing at VyatSU

  • 17 February 2017, 19:12
  • Author: admin
  • Views 4638

The All-Russian Olympiad on Pedagogy is one of the largest and most important events in the pedagogical education system in Russia. The main goal of the Olympiad is identifying the best graduates and students of pedagogy, as well as the best University teachers.

On February 14-16 on the basis of the Open University of VyatSU there was held the second stage of the All-Russian Students’ Olympiad on Pedagogy. The first stage winners - teams of educational organizations took part in the on-line testing.

The event was attended by about 1000 participants from different regions: the Far East (8), Volga (645); North West (17); Ural (16); Siberian (16); Central (177); Southern (59).

The majority of the participants are trained on the study program "Pedagogical education" (382), they are followed by "Pedagogical education" (355), "Psychological and pedagogical education" (143), "Special defectological education" (58). Most of the participants are the students of the 2 and 3 courses.

Totally 852 students have taken part in the event for the first time ever, 83 - for the second time; and three of them for the third time already.

The Third All-Russian stage of the Olympiad for students of educational institutions of higher education in pedagogy named "Pedagogical Start" will be held on March 16-17, 2017 at VyatSU.

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