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A young Kirov teacher Olga Arefieva, a master's student at VyatSU, has developed a program in virtual mathematics

  • 23 March 2021, 12:53
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1658

The project is aimed at developing motivation for knowledge of younger students in mathematics lessons using VR technologies

For several years at the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Pedagogical Institute of VyatSU, the Master's program "Project and Program Management in Education" is being successfully implemented.

From the first year students start creating their own educational products. One of them was developed by Olga Arefyeva, a young primary school teacher at school No. 25 in Kirov, last year's bachelor's degree graduate who decided to continue her studies in the magistracy.

Olga's dissertation project is aimed at developing motivation for knowledge of younger students in mathematics lessons using VR technologies, the use of which is provided in the collection of problems for elementary school being developed by the student.

Mathematics problems created in a virtual environment will help children immerse themselves in the plot of the problem and see it from all sides, as well as become participants in a situation that requires a solution.

Together with the team, Olga thinks over the plot of each task, objects of the virtual environment - after that she begins to implement them. Note that objects in the virtual environment are not just rendered three-dimensional scenes. They have certain properties similar to real objects and manifested when interacting with other virtual objects.

For example, by setting the density of the material, you can throw a virtual ball into virtual water - it will float; and the student at this time can look at him from different angles, "moving" within the task. Participation in the plot helps to develop children's motivation for learning, making the process of solving a problem fun and creative.

Are you interested? We invite you to enroll in the Master's program in Project and Program Management in Education in 2021!

Full-time and part-time forms of education are provided, including distance learning. Admission is carried out according to the results of one entrance test - a complex test.

Translated by Artemij Sizov

VyatSU admission committee >>

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