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Acceptance of applications for VyatSU Recognition is open!

  • 12 January 2021, 11:59
  • Author: admin
  • Views 1464

This year, students and graduate students who study on a fee-paying basis and who have shown outstanding results in scientific activity or in the field of youth policy will, for the first time, be awarded the VyatSU Recognition award.

"VyatSU Recognition" is a completely new award established to support students who take the initiative, implement various projects in the field of science and innovation, volunteer, and actively participate in the life of the university.

To receive the award, applicants must submit an application to the dean's office of their institute or faculty by January 22, 2021. Acceptance of applications has already started!

"VyatSU Recognition" will be awarded in the nominations "Science and Innovation Prize" and "Youth Policy Prize".

In the first nomination, publications will be taken into account, the author or co-author of which is the applicant for the prize, in publications included in the Web of Science, Scopus databases, or in journals included in the RSCI database, indicating the author's (co-author's) affiliation with VyatSU as a student or graduate student. At the same time, the highest priority is given to applicants - authors (co-authors) of publications in publications included in the Web of Science (quartile Q1) or Scopus (quartile Q1), and the lowest priority - in publications in journals included in the RSCI database, regardless of on the number of such publications.

In the nomination "Prize in the field of youth policy", the achievement is the systematic participation of a student during a year (two years) in the conduct (ensuring the conduct) of socially significant activities of a social, cultural, human rights, socially useful nature, organized by VyatSU or with his participation on information support of socially significant events, public life of the university.

More information about the conditions for participation in the selection for "Recognition of VyatSU" can be found in the Regulations on the appointment and payment of the Prize. >

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