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Analytical Center "Expert" includes Vyatka State University in the subject rating of the scientific productivity

  • 11 June 2019, 07:45
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3509
VyatSU is included in the top list in two subject areas: “Ecology” and “Management”.

The results of the annual research of the scientific productivity of Russian universities have been summed up by the Analytical Center "Expert". The rating takes into account the results of the universities’ publication activity not comprehensively in all directions, but within one of the 21 subject areas. The main indicators are articles published in journals indexed in international databases, the number and quality of citations, and availability of authors’ teams at the university. Thus, the scale and sustainability of scientific activity, its relevance and quality are measured.

Vyatka State University demonstrated high results: in Ecology direction (Earth Sciences and Ecology) it took the 19th place. At the same time VyatSU was ahead of such competitors as Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Tyumen Industrial University and South Ural National Research University.

VyatSU has shared 25-27th position with St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" and the Russian State University named after Kosygin in the direction of "Management" (Economics and Management).

According to “Expert” the level of scientific competition has been significantly growing from year to year. In 2019 125 universities from 44 cities passed the qualification for getting into the rating in at least one direction (in 2018 these numbers increased to 105 and 37, respectively).

This success confirms the high level of research work of VyatSU scientists and their competitiveness at the federal level.

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