Online newspaper

Announcing results of "Defectology without Borders"

  • 29 March 2019, 09:00
  • Author: admin
  • Views 3046

VyatSU future defectologists showed a high level of professional knowledge and skills in competitions with students from different Russian universities

On March 22, a student Olympiad “Defectology without Borders” took place in VyatSU with over 100 students from universities of Crimea and Bashkortostan, Udmurtia and Chuvashia, the Perm Territory and Kirov region taking part.

Participants demonstrated their professional knowledge and skills needed for work with children with limited abilities. Future defectologists answered essential questions on defectology and speech therapy, determined the main symptoms of developmental disorders, solved practical problems of differential diagnostics, counseling, and developing areas of help for children with disabilities, parents and teachers of the inclusive education system.

The winners of the competition were students from BSPU named after M.Akmulla (Ufa), VyatSU (Kirov), GPA KFU named after Vernadsky (Yalta), UdSU (Izhevsk), PSPU (Perm).

The results of the Olympiad are available here.

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